Name: Cassiopeia “Cassie” Bellacruxio
National Allegiance: Vespiria/Arcadian Knights
Intelligent, dutiful, and studious to a fault, Cassie’s humble origins as an orphan could have easily left her as a scullery maid. However, when the Science Ministry pushed a plan to mandate schooling for everyone in the Vespirian Kingdom, Cassie suddenly found herself with an outlet, propelling herself forward with a ravenous ambition for knowledge and a deeply rooted desire to put as much distance between herself and her former life as possible.
Eventually, her proficiency in science brought her to the attention of Head Science Minister Anatoli Zoran, who took her on as a lab assistant, honing her skills in the sciences. She excelled, earning awards and commendations for both innovation and practicality.
Through this opportunity, she refined her mind in both creativity and concentration, discovering something she never expected—that she had an innate talent for Magic. Seeing this, Zoran approached his lifelong friend, Calla, Princess of Vespiria, and one of the most powerful Magic users in Arcadia, asking her to take on Cassie as a ward, to train her in the half of her skills and life that he could not. Calla wholeheartedly took in Cassie as a student, and a friend.
Yet despite all of this, Cassie, in her quiet moments can’t help but reflect on her memories of her early years, filling her with a fear and dread of failure, and of losing the life and surrogate family she worked so hard to piece together. In the end, it is this fear that drives her ambition and serves as her greatest fault. But when her friends have her back, and when she finds herself fighting with purpose, for those she cares about, Cassie can find a balance, allowing her to tap into depths of knowledge and power that may just shock the world.