We’re going to be a little late on this week’s update. I’ll try to post some in progress shots over the weekend on our social media.

In the meantime, here is some Cerina art, showcasing a healthy dose of her character’s duality.

Duality is a theme that runs pretty heavily through Age of Arcadia. You can see it right off the bat with Cassie’s two mentors and her two wildly different, opposing fields of study.

With Cerina, her duality runs far deeper, and as you get to know her character, you’ll find many elements of her life that run opposite to one another. I lay it out pretty clearly in her bio that she purposely misrepresents her personality as a tactical form of obfuscation, but I will admit that I may be preforming a teeny bit of misdirection via omission in everyone’s bio. Everything in the bios is 100% true. But as you can perhaps guess from the image of a very angry, and battle ready bioluminescent Cerina, there is another layer (or three) to her story that we have not even scratched the surface of yet.

FYI, the bioluminescence is a natural feature of all Nocturnians (comes with the territory), however Cerina would like to think she wears it better than most. ;P